"Save 5 - 7 Years in Launching Your
Professional Speaking Career"
Direct from the Oldest, Most Trusted Name in the Industry Credited with Training More Million Dollar Speakers than any Program in History
History of the BGSW

Standing On The Shoulders Of A Giant…
Bill Gove… 1912-2001

Bill Gove, CSP, CPAE, was recognized around the world as the father of professional speaking. Toastmasters International awarded Bill Gove its Golden Gavel Award in 1991, and called him one of the most popular speakers of the 20th Century. I was fortunate enough to be Bill's business partner from 1996 until he passed away on December 9, 2001, and to speak on stages with him around the world. I can tell you from first hand experience that Bill Gove was the modern day genius of public speaking.
Bill Gove with President Ronald Reagan and First Lady Nancy Reagan backstage at Carnegie Hall in 1955. President Reagan and Bill Gove often crossed paths on the speaking circuit and are considered two of the finest presenters of all time. Both men were inducted into the Speakers Hall of Fame in the 1970s.
One 20-minute speech to the right group of potential clients, prospects or superiors has the power to double or triple your income and open doors of opportunity that are closed to 95% of the population. Great speakers are seen as leaders in business, in the communities where they live, and in life in general. People have always been influenced (and probably always will be) by the eloquent, entertaining speaker who knows how to connect emotionally with his or her audience.
Why Choose the Bill Gove Speech Workshop?
Bill Gove is one of the most trusted names in the professional speaking industry. Considered the Father of Professional Speaking, Bill Gove paved the way for the Speech Workshop as it stands today.
We teach speakers to connect with audiences, move them to action and convert them into clients for life. This process transforms the speaker and the audience.
The Bill Gove Workshop has produced more fee paid speakers than anyone else in the industry. Are you next?
Here Are Some Of the Things You Will Learn in the 3-Day Workshop:
- The Professional Keynote Speech Writing System
- The Most Common Mistake Speakers Make
- The Theatrics Used by Professional Speakers
- How Pro Speakers Dramatize Their Key Content
- How Pro Speakers Stay Consistently Great
- How/Why Speakers Purposely Wreck Their Speeches
- How Speakers Have Fun with the Toughest Audiences
- How Great Speeches Sound So Conversational
- What Speakers Can/Can’t Do with Their Bodies
- What to Remove From Your Speeches
- How to Excite An Audience
- How to Avoid Monotony
- What to Do If You Go Blank Onstage
- The Speakers Responsibility
- Bringing Your Speech to Life
- How Top Speakers Match Their Content and Style
- The World-Famous Fraternity House Technique
- How Great Speakers Handcraft Their Message
- Making Professional Speech Transitions
- Performing vs. Informing in Speeches
- How Speakers Guarantee a Great Introduction
- Introducing Another Speaker Professionally
- Introducing Speakers With No Introduction
- Three Key Elements of Standing Ovation Speeches
- The World-Class History of the Bill Gove Speech Workshop
- The Job of the Professional Keynote Speaker
- The Three Ps of a Professional Vignette
- Taking Your Audience Behind the Scenes
- How Speakers Engage Audiences
- Why Speakers Talk to Themselves Onstage
- How to Extend Every Laugh into More
- How to Get the Audiences Help
- How/Why to Grade Your Speech Material
- How to Use Planned Spontaneity
- Why to Tell an Audience What You Don’t Know
- The Reason Professional Speakers Reach for Words
- Using Contrast to Create Excitement
- How Keynote Speakers Measure Payoffs
- Why Top Speakers Write Non-Linear Speeches
- Why Speakers Memorize
- The World-Famous Canadian Opening
- Why Professional Speakers Love Dialogue
- The World-Famous McFarland Opening
- The Heroes Journey
- The Personal Favor Introduction
- How/Why to Use Dialects
- How/Why to Use Props
- Why Pro Speakers Love Magic Tricks
- The Magic of Vulnerability
- Why Pro Speakers Use Self-Deprecating Humor
- The Mark Twain Speech Writing Philosophy
- Critical Speech Components
- Bill Gove’s Five Draft Process
- Bill Gove’s Five Phase Testing Process
- Creating Your Unique Points of View
- How The Pros Handle Distractions
- Handling Hecklers
- Bill Gove’s Iconic Pivot Technique
- Body Language
- The Danger of Trying Too Hard Onstage
- Creating Continuity
- Power Sharing with The Audience
- Pressure Proofing Your Speech
- Why Speakers Ask Audiences to Suspend Disbelief
- Using One-Liners
- The Order of Speech Writing
- The Entertainment Percentage in Keynote Speaking
- Using Implicit and Explicit Points
- Bill Gove’s World-Famous Vignette System
- Making Every Audience Your Support System
- Speaking with The Audience
- Measuring Your Laughs Per Minute
- How to Measure the Audiences Excitement
- The Most Critical Question in Speech Writing and Delivery

Stop Postponing Your Success
We receive calls, faxes, and emails every day from people all over the world telling us how they are going to attend the Speech Workshop. ...Someday. All they are doing is postponing their own success. . . and their entry or advancement among the world-class. Why wait? Some people say they can’t afford it, but we all know that isn’t really true. If you were dying and needed a heart transplant, would you tell me you couldn’t afford to pay $4,997 for a new heart? Of course not. The question is not CAN you afford it. The real question is whether or not you believe that becoming a good speaker can catapult your career and change your life. If you don’t believe enough in yourself to invest in your own success and happiness, there’s nothing I can say that will change your mind. But if you have the courage to dream of a bigger, better, more fulfilling life. . . enroll in this workshop now!

It's a Warm, Wonderful, Powerful Feeling. . .
I can tell you from experience what a great feeling it is to be up in front of a room, totally relaxed, knowing that you've been trained at the top speech workshop in the world. It's a warm, wonderful feeling to be impacting people's lives in a positive manner. . . and being paid handsomely to do it. There's an overwhelming feeling of peace that comes from knowing that you've paid the price to go to the best. I hope you will decide to give yourself this very special, once in a lifetime gift. I look forward to working with you. . . and helping you showcase your marvelous talents to the world.

Now It's Up To You. . Opportunity Is Not Just Knocking. . It’s Knocking Your Door Down!
If you're ready to break the chains that are holding you back on the platform, I strongly encourage you to take a leap of faith. I hope you will decide to give yourself this very special, once in a lifetime gift. I look forward to working with you. . . and helping you showcase your marvelous talents to the world.
- Sincerely,
Steve Siebold, CSP
President, Siebold Success Network
Powerful Public Speaking Can Catapult Your Confidence And Thrust You Into A Position Of Leadership And Authority
What's the Biggest Benefit I Will Gain From Attending the Bill Gove Speech Workshop and Follow-up Program?
What Makes the Bill Gove Speech Workshop Different?
Do I Have to Be a Professional Speaker to Understand the Concepts Taught in this Workshop?
What Skills Can I Expect to Learn?
What If The Other Students Are More Advanced Than I Am?
How Do I Register?
Your Training Mentor